
3 Crucial Skills Developed At An Early Learning Centre

Education & Development Blog

Early learning centres are developed to nurture your child and aid in their academic and social development during their early years. When you decide to enrol your child at an early learning centre, you may feel worried about how they will settle in and how they will cope being apart from you more than they are used to. These feelings are normal, and centre staff will be on-hand to help your child adapt to their new daily routine as smoothly as possible.

18 July 2023

Is an independent school right for your family?

Education & Development Blog

Independent schools are an important part of the Australian education system. Alongside Government (or public) schooling and schools administered by the education board they provide a range of options so that parents can choose the most suitable option for their child.  Here are some reasons that parents choose independent schools over other options. Autonomy in hiring choices Autonomy means that independent schools can fire or reassign teachers that are not performing up to appropriate levels.

28 July 2016

Top Tips for Driving Down the Price of Your Driving Lessons


Driving lessons are a must—everyone needs some professional instruction before they get on the road. Lessons can seem very expensive, but you shouldn't be held back by the price. Here are some great tips for saving money on driving lessons.  Choose your instructor  Make sure you take lessons with an accredited instructor. If your instructor is accredited, your insurance company may offer you a discount for completing lessons—however, this will not be available to you if your instructor is not accredited.

21 July 2016

A Few Questions You Might Have About Confined Space Training

Education & Development Blog

If you're an employer or manager of any sort, then of course it's your responsibility to provide the safest workplace possible for your employees and staff. This can include spaces that are considered confined; these areas have their own regulations when it comes to safety measures that employees must take when working and the measures that are the responsibility of an employer even if he or she isn't present on the job site.

13 July 2016

Trucking myths | 4 misconceptions about truck license schools debunked


Trucking schools are a huge help in training people to drive humongous trucks out on the roads. If you have a decent driving record and want to further your driving for more opportunities, then attending trucking schools can be monumental for you. Unfortunately, there are a number of myths about being a truck driver and trucking schools. Some of them can have you debating on whether or not you really want to be a truck driver.

23 June 2016

Introducing personal safety as a topic in early childhood education

Education & Development Blog

The topic of personal safety within early childhood education is extremely important. Whilst childcare centres and schools, such asHopskotch Kindergarten, need to put in systems to protect children, having a firm sense of personal identity and space from a young age can help children have confident relationships with the adults in their life.  Here are some tips as you get started Involve the parents Most parents are delighted when their early childhood educators help them by introducing this topic at school or daycare.

24 May 2016

What Information is Needed During a Medical Examination Prior to Dangerous Goods Licensing?

Education & Development Blog

You may be wondering about what kind of information you will be required to provide if you go for a medical examination when you would like to be given a licence to drive a vehicle that carries dangerous goods. This article discusses some of the information that you may be expected to provide on a questionnaire that you take to the doctor who will conduct your medical examination.  Information About Your Alcohol Intake

18 May 2016

What You Need To Know About General Induction Training

Education & Development Blog

Construction is one of the most involved industries. Construction activities go on every day. With advancements in technology and other systems, construction activities and methods can also change considerably. Therefore, many people that are new to this industry may have to undertake a general induction training. This training aims to provide basic knowledge on various legislative requirements related to occupational safety and health in construction. The training also seeks to provide an understanding of the principles of risk management at the construction work sites and the prevention of illnesses or injuries in the construction industry.

18 May 2016

Leaf It to Me - Fun Ways to Look at the Leaves Falling


As the leaves start to fall in autumn, it's a great time to sit back and reflect on what the changes in season mean. Many young children are intrigued by these changes so incorporating some learning about leaves can be a fun exercise for the kids at a child care centre.  Leaf art Leaves have interesting shapes and patterns. You can explore these in a visual and tactile way by placing leaves of different shapes and sizes under a sheet of paper and gentle rubbing over them with a crayon.

28 April 2016

Tips to Furnishing a High School Library

Education & Development Blog

A school library has to be comfortable if any students are going to make use of it. The key to this would be getting school chairs that are comfortable, but there are also a number of other things that you could consider. Consider the floor plan of the library The first thing would be to figure out the floor plan of the library itself. This will give you an idea of where you would want your shelves, tables, and school chairs to be.

5 April 2016